
Transforming Haryana: How the BJP eradicated corruption and improved Governance

Haryana Election BJP

Ten years ago, the Bharatiya Janata Party government came to power in Haryana with the slogan “Haryana Ek, Haryanvi Ek”. Their goal was to establish “good governance through system transformation”. In a decade, they built a strong government structure on this foundation.

Today, when talking about the Bharatiya Janata Party’s two terms in Haryana, it would be incomplete to mention the Bharatiya Janata Party’s success in abolishing the infamous “Perchi Kharchi system”. The abolition of this system gave the people of Haryana back their confidence and self-respect, improved the state’s image and its reputation among its residents.

Now, every family in Haryana, irrespective of where they live, believes excellence is the only criterion for admission to schools and government jobs. Recommendations and bribery no longer influence these processes. The Haryana government has strictly implemented a “no cost, no slip” policy, benefiting the most disadvantaged sections of society. Young people from poor and exploited families can now fulfil their lifelong dream of landing a government job. Previously, government jobs in Haryana were often auctioned to people connected to politicians and bureaucrats. The application process was a mere formality and the outcome was predetermined.

The old “Harchi-Perchi” system was notorious for the way in which head government departments published recruitment lists leaving eligible candidates helpless. Poor families were hit the hardest and it became almost impossible to get a job in the public sector. Now recruitment lists are issued without taking advantage of such a corrupt system, bringing joy to many families. Children of labourers and rickshaw drivers are now finding employment in the public sector. The reports show how daughters of labourers and sons of farmers have secured these positions on the basis of their merit. This change fills the people of Haryana with pride. Mission Merit: A Transparent System Ten years ago, the BJP launched ‘Mission Merit’ to bring transparency in recruitment to public sector vacancies. The system has become a model for other states. A remarkable report from Risaria Kheda village in Sirsa district, reporting that 35 youths have secured government jobs, shows the government’s clear intention and sincere policy.

People in Haryana remember the days when newspapers used to list which relatives of politicians had government jobs. Today, media reports focus on how children born into poor backgrounds achieved their positions through merit. The changes in the last decade under the BJP government have been remarkable. The eradication of corrupt practices like the “peruchi haluchi system” restored faith in the national government. The emphasis on merit opened doors for many underprivileged families and ensured a fairer system for all.