
These remedies of black mustard remove obstacles in work and evil eye, start from today itself

Black Mustard Remedy: In astrology, many such remedies have been mentioned, by doing which things start getting spoiled and all kinds of obstacles are removed. Today we will talk about one such remedy.

Everyone wants to get money, wealth and glory by getting progress in life. For this, he also works hard, but due to many reasons he is not able to progress. The reason behind this can be many kinds of defects and evil eye. In such a situation, today we will give information about the remedy of black mustard used in food. The remedies of black mustard have been considered very accurate. By doing these remedies, the evil eye goes away and happiness, peace and prosperity comes in the house.

If you are not getting the support of luck, then to wake up the sleeping luck, fill a pitcher with water and put black mustard seeds in it. After this take bath with this water. By doing this, the sleeping fortune wakes up and starts getting the support of luck.

work interruption
Sometimes a person works hard in life, but does not get the result. The work done by him suddenly starts getting spoiled and there are obstacles in the work. In such a situation, donate black mustard i.e. mustard on Thursday.

evil eye
If someone in the house has got evil eye, then some grains of mustard seeds, seven whole red chillies and salt should be rotated around that person’s head 7 times and put in the burning fire. You should do this remedy with the left hand. This remedy of black mustard or mustard helps in warding off the evil eye.