
Big blow to Amazon employees- 18,000 people will be laid off, notice issued!

Jobs Layoffs: Amazon is a big blow for the employees. After Twitter and Meta, the world’s largest company Amazon has decided to lay off employees. Amazon has announced to lay off 18,000 employees.

Amazon Layoffs: Amazon is a big blow for the employees. After Twitter and Meta, the world’s largest company Amazon has decided to lay off employees. Due to the global recession, companies all over the world are showing the way out to the employees. Amazon has announced to lay off 18,000 employees.

Andy Jesse released the note
Company’s CEO Andy Jassy has given information about this. It has been told by issuing a note on behalf of Andy Jesse that the company will lay off 18,000 employees. At the same time, earlier the company had told about the exit of 10,000 employees.

Deduction will be done according to the device unit
According to media reports, the job cuts will be focused on Amazon’s device unit, which includes voice-assistant Alexa, and its retail and human resources divisions.

Crisis looming over IT companies
Due to the recession spread in the global market, IT companies are facing a crisis. Many big companies of the world have decided to lay off their employees. By the end of September, 15 lakh employees were associated with the company. There is a rapid decline in the growth of Amazon, due to which thousands of employees may have to bear the brunt.

Why are the layoffs happening?
According to the report of Wall Street General, Amazon had hired a large number of people during Corona, but now this decision is proving to be a burden on the company and due to the recession, the growth of the company is declining significantly. For this reason, the company has announced layoffs. Apart from Amazon, Salesforce Inc has also decided to cut 10 percent of the workforce.