
Video: Plane crashes in residential area- fire breaks out in several apartments

A fighter jet of Russia fighting a war with Ukraine (Russia fighter jets crashes) has crashed on Monday. The Russian army has stated that the reason behind the crash of the warplane was a technical fault in its engine. According to information, a Russian military plane has crashed in a residential area in southwestern Russia. In which more than 2 have died, 15 have been injured.

Russia’s military said one of its warplanes’ engines stopped working and crashed in the port of Yesk on the Sea of ​​Azov. A Russian military plane has crashed in a residential area in southwestern Russia, according to agencies.

The Russian Defense Ministry said one of the Su-34’s engines caught fire mid-flight and went down. He said both crew members got out safely but the plane crashed in a residential area. Regional Governor Veniamin Kondratyev said emergency services were working to put out the fire.

Local authorities said a heavy fire broke out on several floors of an apartment building and that at least 15 apartments were affected. Russia’s fighter jets come at a time when it is rapidly attacking Ukraine.

On Monday, Kiev was once again rocked by multiple explosions following Russia’s attacks on several Ukrainian cities last week. Drones loaded with explosives were used for the blasts and the attacks killed four people and set buildings on fire. The drone used by Russian forces in the attack appears to be Iran’s Shahed drone.

Ukrainian soldiers tried to destroy this drone by firing. Officials said the attack caused panic across the city with the sound of explosions. Energy installations were targeted in the attack and a drone crashed into a residential building, killing four people.